Thursday, October 27, 2016

Want AC to cool to 74 when thermostat temp hits 78. Possible?

Likely a silly question, but is there a way I can have my AC kick on when the inside temp hits 78 and not turn off until it hits 74?

I'm renting and the AC is a bit over-sized. If it's set to 78, it feels fine but when it kicks on it lowers the 1 degree and hits it's temp in about 10 minutes. However, if when it hits 78 I set the thermostat to 74, it runs for 30+ mins and removes humidity much better.

Is that just a programmable thermostat? I've never had one. I don't need to program it for different temps at different times of the day... I just want it to cool more then 1 degree when it turns on.

Is this possible? What are my options, if so?

Thanks so much!

submitted by /u/Coolgatesam
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