Saturday, January 21, 2017

Hey there! I'm hoping for a little direction regarding AC troubleshooting and I thought this might be a good place to ask.

Long story short, there was a power event (I even heard a transformer blow down the road) that lent either causation or correlation to the fact that I noticed my AC not working anymore about a day or so later. I feared for the worst, because the fuses for the condenser were rated higher than the components in the unit...

Before I go into what I checked, I know it's on the low volt side. That's where my question is. But anyway, for the sake of being somewhat thorough:

  • Therm set on cool. Igloo temps. Indoor air handler running fine.
  • Fuses on the disconnect at the condenser unit test good for continuity.
  • On the condenser unit, I replaced the cap and relay simply because I just bought the house and the originals are very old, not to mention it's just so cheap to do anyway.
  • Tested voltage at the low volt side of relay and I don't get my 24.
  • Pushing the contactor plunger starts up the fan motor and compressor. Contactor just doesn't get the required low volt to engage.
  • Checked in my attic where the air handler is, but I couldn't find a block, so I went inside...
  • Back of the thermostat tests good for 24 so far as I can tell, and this is where my question happens:

What can I do to determine whether I'm good end to end?

If I'm getting required volts, seemingly, end to end, should I assume that the thermostat itself is bad? What would your advice be?

Thank you in advance. I'm not an HVAC guy. I did some research and came up empty, so I'm hoping someone can help. I'm kind of in an area of the U.S. that is hot in the winter, so that's why this is a thing for me if you were wondering. :)

submitted by /u/DoNotSexToThis
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