Friday, January 20, 2017

New system installed, have some questions on energy usage

Tldr; Brand new AC and furnace. Utility bills have not reduced in the slightest. What gives? Also, heat at 72 feels chilly sometimes, but at 73 i sweat from what is most likely humidity,

Replaced an aging system back in August. Outdoor unit was a 3 ton Ruud 10 SEER. Furnace worked decent enough, but the Air Conditioner was no longer even in the race. Spent a lot of money and got a 4 ton Trane XR14 AC with matching indoor coil and 80% furnace. Since then, my energy usage has only gone up from the previous year.

HVAC Info:

  • AC 4 ton XR14, model# 4TTR4048L1000AA
  • Coil 4TXCC009DS3HCAA
  • Furnace XT80 Gas furnace, model# TUD1C080A9H41BC

Residence is a split level home, 2300 square feet. Vaulted ceilings in living room, HVAC in garage with high ceilings. 2 air returns, a 14x20 downstairs and a 16x30 upstairs.

Energy usage comparison from 2015 to 2016:

  • August: Gas 7 units in 2015, 10 units in 2016 - Electric 2281 vs 2471
  • September: Gas 5 units in 2015 vs 10 units - Electric 1857 vs 2148
  • October: Gas 6 vs 13 - Electric 1051 vs 1422
  • November: Gas 12 vs 50 - Electric 859 vs 948
  • December: Gas 48 vs 104 - Electric 1432 vs 1431 (yay, finally a decrease)
  • January: Gas 101 vs 161

My questions:

1) Am I crazy in thinking my energy usage should have gone down a bit due to upgrading to a newer higher efficiency system?

2) For the furnace, when the thermostat is set to 72, it feels a bit chilly at times, but when I boost it to 73, I begin to sweat. It's as if the unit just dumps a buttload of humidity into the house and calls it good. It's rather unbearable.

Just looking for some advice before I call up the installers. I am currently going through buyer's remorse after dumping $6500 into an entire AC and furnace system with no reduction in utility costs. On the plus side, in August and September, I was able to keep the house at 72, whereas the year prior i couldn't get below 78.

Thanks in advance for all your help!

submitted by /u/Bklar84
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