Saturday, May 28, 2016

AC not cooling in new apartment

This is going to be a long post and I don't know very much, so please bear with me. I just moved to a new apartment in West Texas and if you didn't already know, West Texas can get really hot.

So I moved in and the AC was seemingly working. I turned it on and it started up, it was making noise inside the apartment and the fans in the unit outside started moving. However nothing is actually getting cool. I called maintenance yesterday and they worked on it for a few hours. They replaced the capacitor and added freon. They told me to run it for a while and it will cool off, but it's been on for over a day and the apartment isn't getting any colder. The thermostat says that it's only a little cooler indoors than it is outdoors despite it being set at 75 and running for hours (high 80s outdoors and 83 inside my apartment).

The intake vent(?) inside the apartment is working as far as I can tell, it will suck up paper to it. It also looks like it has a pretty new filter (they replace the filters every other month or so.) I marked the location of every vent inside the apartment on this floor plan. The vents are blowing some cool air, however they only blow it for about a foot and then it fizzles out. You have to be standing directly under one and even then you'll only feel a slight breeze.

I've been running something similar to this in attempt to stay cool, but during the day it's not all that effective. At night it got pretty cool, the thermostat said it was around 73, but that was probably just because the air outside had cooled down too.

If anyone has any ideas of anything that could help me. I would appreciate it so much. If you need any more information, please let me know. Thanks

submitted by /u/Scabberous
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