Tuesday, December 26, 2017


Let me first start by saying my HVAC technician is a great guy and has always done right by us. But he’s been to my house 3 times with no solution so of course I came to Reddit. My furnace is about a 20 year old Goodman.

Beginning Problems: -Makes a banging noise that reminds me of when a washing machine is off balance, but it’s definitely not as loud. -Kicks on and off at random, yet maintains temperature

I tried to turn the temp up one or two degrees yesterday since it’s going to be colder in my area for the next few days and I noticed the furnace didn’t kick on and should have. So I switched the thermostat to the “off” position for a few minutes then to “heat”. It kicked on, so I went back to investigate.

I noticed the ignite would come on but no pilot lights. I looked up at the window hole on the panel and we had a blinking light, not solid. Called HVAC guy at 9:30 on Christmas. He comes out, stays for an hour and a half, and he said the capacitor was reading only between 4-9, which it’s supposed to be 10 so he replaced that, there was a water leak behind the draft inducer blower so he tightened the screws (probably needs a new seal), and says the flashing light was an indicator of ignition fail. However, that if the capacitor wasn’t allowing it to light that that could have been the issue.

Gets the panels back on and immediately we hear the banging noise. Takes them back off and is manually holding the switch to keep furnace on and can’t trip the sound. He stood there for a good 20 minutes and nothing. So he puts panels back on, it was working good for a solid hour....then it happens again, light flashing, no pilot lights, and we can hear the water in the furnace hitting the hot metal (side note- I’d heard this before and had no idea what it was).

He is thinking maybe the blower, the board or the motor was going bad, however, the motor was making a good read.

Any suggestions?! Had to leave my home at midnight with two sick kiddos. We need to get this fixed :(

We live in the Midwest where the high today is 17. Currently its 13 but feels like 1.

submitted by /u/carwoman126
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